Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Don't forget to track Santa: http://www.noradsanta.org/en/home.html

HAPPY HANUKKAH to my fellow readers! I would like to wish you and your families eight healthy, happy days and nights!

Crank up those loud speakers why don't you? Yep, it's that time of year, those paranoid moronic religious zealots have cranked up the speakers on the wailing towers just to remind us that there is NO CHRISTMAS here and they will drown out our music.

I didn't stitch yesterday
The sandstorm seems to be gone today butg it's still breezy out. 86F at 12:30PM.

I did my grocery shopping yesterday for the meal on Thursday. I'm having Turkey, stuffing made with whole grain bread, nasty mashed potatoes & gravy, sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans with roasted red bell peppers, vegetable mold, cranberry sauce (I bought 1 more box of frozen cranberries) pecan, pumpkin & maybe apple pie.

DH's presents are all wrapped but still no tree up (YEAH ME!) Let's see if he says anything or even notices.


Chris said...

You meal sounds fabulous!
Have a great day - even if they try to drown you out.

Kristin said...

Oooh...green beans with roasted bell peppers sound fabulous! Sorry you are having to listen to the obnoxiously loud crap.

{{{Hugs}}} and Merry Christmas