Monday, November 3, 2008

Remembering Mrs. Day

If I remember correctly today, November 3rd would have my mother-in-law's birthday. I think she would have been 80 something. I knew her from the time DH & I got married in April 1977 until she passed away the end of April 1979. She hated me at first and we didnt' really get along because I wasn't the one she wanted her son to marry, but when I gave birth to her one and only grandDAUGHTER she loved me and her only grandchild. We got along ok, I had to rush to Arkansas in November of 78 to take care of her when she got sick. She had a stroke which left her paralized and barely able to walk. She then went into kidney failure in the later months, went into a coma in early April and passed away. My DH - her only living relative was overseas in Japan in the Marine Corps and was able to come home to visit her for Christmas then had to return to Japan. He then came home when the Dr.'s advised me to call the family. He got home in the early moring hours and was home about 4 hours when we got the call she passed away. He never got to see her before she died. It was difficult trying to take care of her and a 1 year old baby by myself and barely getting by with almost no money. But DD & I made it. I really wish I had gotten to know her better and now I never will. She was the only family my DH had left that he knows of. I miss you Dorothy.

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