Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My father is back home again

I got 2 e-mails from my sister today.
dad is getting ready to go home either today or tomorrow. They thought he might have to take oxygen with him, but he won't have to do that. The pneumonia has cleared up, they gave him 2 units of blood over the weekend and he is ok from that and his appetite is back. They did do the bone marrow yesterday and he was not a happy camper over that. I don't know what the results were from that. They are going to have a nurse stop in once a week to check his heart and lungs. He does look better and says he feels better. They took out his staples and his incision has healed well. The pacemaker is working well and he wants to go home now.
Will keep you posted on the bone marrow outcome.

Then I got this one:
I just had a call from mom and she brought dad home this morning. He is a very happy camper and so is she. He is doing well. They did not get the report from the bone marrow and one the meds one of the docs wants him on they forgot to write a prescription for. Let's hope this is all his sick time for a long time.

My DH is still gone, he keeps running into little problems that come up after others are fixed. He's not sure if he will be home Thursday or not.

I haven't stitched much lately but I have been working on my April Easter Sampler.

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