Friday, May 9, 2008

Another busy Thursday

We went to malls & shops we haven't been to in years, it sure brought back memories. At one of the shops I just HAD to buy these, so it's official, I'm the queen.

Actually, they are little hair combs but I thought they were a hoot!

at 1:50PM it's 34.7C (94.3F) down from 97F at 1PM

3 weeks to go! I can't wait!

One of my close friends could use lots of hugs, good vibes and prayers right now. She and her family are having a bit of a rough patch right now and need lots of good thoughts. I have told her that she has all the thoughts and hugs from me that she can use right now. If I could be there in person for her, I would. I hope things get better quickly!

Last night we had these "beef" sausage kebab bits & some mixed bean salad. The salad was good but the "beef" sausage bits tasted nasty. I don't know what was in them but they were ewwwwww. DH didn't even eat all of his.


Chris said...

Love the tiaras. I bow to the queen.

Velda said...

Z is going to be so excited! Thanks for the hugs :)

Christina said...

Love the tiaras, too cute. Just saw a license plate that said forget being princess, I am the Queen. LOL

Sorry your friend is having a hard time. Hope all goes well for her.