Monday, February 2, 2009

The prince is coming!

OH Oh, the prince is comming, the prince is comming, QUICK, send the Americans home! We can't let the prince know the Americans are doing all the work and we don't know how to do shit! I was sitting at my computer with my iPod headphones on boogieing to my music and heard the front door open at 1PM. I jumped up to see DH coming in the front door, he usually doesn't get home until 3PM. Apparently some prince was doing a dog and pony show where DH works so they send all the Americans home so the prince doesn't see that it's the Westerners that do all the work and the "locals" sit on their ass all day looking at porn or paying games on the computers.

I set my alarm for 7AM(UGGGGHHHHHH) so I can get up and walk earlier. Got up and did a 47 minute 2 mile walk, felt good too. I even jogged-get out the oxygen, the girls didn't like that too much but I did it!

I found a couple friends from Saudi on Facebook. I got an e-mail thing that they had found me, how fun. Now if I could actually get out somehow to meet them again, but with no daytime driver I can't go anyplace.

Fixed chicken and mushroom stroganoff last night and that was good!

Ok back to my exercise. Just wanted to let you know the prince was coming but DH didn't get to meet him. Just which one of the 99,999 princes it was, I have no clue.


Velda said...

your entry gave me a good giggle today :)

Karan said...

LMAO. About the same welcome he'd get from me too. ;0)

Kristin said...

You are funny Robin.