Thursday, February 8, 2007

Happy Birthday Dad!

Today is my father's 87th or 88th birthday, I can never remember. Happy Birthday Dad! I love you.

I called him this morning and got their answering machine so I sang happy birthday and said I love you. I got an e-mail from my sister a few hours later telling me what he got for his birthday. "Happy Birthday Mr. B****, you need a pacemaker." He had a dr's appt at 9AM and they didn't get home until after 3PM. He has 2 blocked valves & arteries, he's already had 2 bypass surgeries, stents, etc so now he needs a pacemaker. He also has to have a bone marrow test done. Guess when he gets his new "heart"? Feb 13. So he'll have a new "heart" for Valentines day. On top of that, it started snow storming while they were at the dr's so now they can't go out for his free steak birthday dinner, so I told my mother to STAY HOME!
I DID finally get to talk to them a little while ago, he's doing well and is trying to stay positive about getting the pacemaker. It's just me that is the nervous one now.
Some birthday present, huh?

Another weekend here, not a damn thing happening either, so I checked e-mail, message boards and have stitched for 5 hours today. I'm making a little progress on my San Man SAL.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Robin's Dad.
I hope your have a wonderful day!