Saturday, December 8, 2007

Having a meltdown

I don't know what is wrong, I'm having a meltdown here. I've listened to my 1 hour a year of Christmas music and I'm just bawling. We are going home this year so I don't know what is wrong. I don't know if it's the attitude of my daughter's husband of wanting to spend it at his house because that is the only Christmas that my grandson knows is at his house, because I know my husband is a bah humbug kind of person and has made me into that. After years of begging we're going home for christmas, but my family still won't be together on Christmas day.
I don't know if my problem is not knowing what the hell is going on here, somwhow I get the feeling i'm going in for round 2, kind of like deja vu.

I do know that If I don't get to see my kids or grand kids, fuck it, I'll never go home for Christmas again until I go home for good.


Velda said...

personally I think you should GO and see the kids and grandkids, maybe bahhumbug can just stay home without you! DO IT FOR YOU ROBIN!

Terry said...

Come home for that Visit Robin, We all love you!