We went to the beach on Thursday. It was a nice break but the wind was blowing constantly and blowing sand everywhere. My face felt like it was sandblasted. I didn't go in the water because it's still on the chilly side and the waves were rough. I did get a little bit of stitching done while I was there but had to keep brushing the sand off my project.
This past week I've been stitching on Scooba Dooba and it's now officially 1/2 done. I am excited about that. As much as I would love to finish it before I go on vacation, I highly doubt it will get done, I have several other projects I need to get done.
I also started and finished my Flip Flop anchor ornament. I stitched that up on Friday and while I was watching the game on TV.
My Yahoo mail has been SO messed up the past few days, I'm not recieving 1/2 of it and more is showing up 2 days after it was sent. I did a test mailing from another e-mail address and it took 8 hours to recieve it. I guess I'll have to start using another e-mail address if I want mail to show up on time.
I need to start making a list of all the stitching exchanges I want to participate in from my varied message boards when I get home so I don't forget any and that will force me to actually sit down and stitch this summer. I don't do much stitching when I'm on vacation but this may give me some motivation. I mostly am addicted to my computer when I'm home because I am in real time with my internet family.
My son & his family were at my house this past weekend and he said it was in the 70's but there was still snow on the ground. Then I get a weather alert e-mail from My Cast weather site http://www.my-cast.com that says the area is under a Fire Weather watch! My house is in the woods, my back yard is nothing but forest. There are a few houses near me but lots of woods.
You are making great progress on Scooba Dooba. I hope we get to be in some exchanges together. It is almost vacation time!!
Well at least you're making great progress on the Scooba Dooba project. I have to admit, being a Red Sox fan and all, that this past week's sweep was great! But, it's still early in the season. I'm sure your Yanks will get us sooner or later. LOL!
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