Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Well, DH is home on vacation for 10 days. How fun, NOT. We can't go anywhere because everything except grocery stores are closed. It's that religous experience when the millions of people from all over the world bring their diseases, illnesses, ailments, here and mingle with everyone else, jam the airports, quadruple the car traffic, leave trash all over to preform their religous rite. Then 1/4-1/2 of them stay illegally and beg on street corners.

To answer questions, SADLY NO we are NOT going HOME to the USA for Christmas. So I will put off Christmas as long as I can here, hopefully DH won't notice the lack of decorations & excitement. I personally don't think anyone can possibly understand how much I hate it and want it to be over unless you are one of the few who know WHY it hurts so much.

I did my walk this morning but I couldn't keep up with Jon (Bon Jovi) today. I did my mile in 21:15 dodging tiny kittens digging in trash bags. That's the bad part about walking so early in the morning, they haven't collected the trash here yet and the kittens & cats have ripped open the bags and strewed the garbage all over. I want to pick up every one of those tiny kittens and bring them home along with those couple of large all black cats. But they aren't used to people so they run.

The words from yesterday - choccie is chocolate, prezzie is present, piccie is picture. annoys the shit outta me when they post that.

DH went out to get me a new battery charger for my camera. We looked & looked & looked last night and couldn't find it anywhere. We decided it's with my memory card & flash drive cap and now my sunglasses where ever they all are. OR as my kids used to say, "Somebody came in and stole it"

Wow, at 11:30AM it's only 29.4C (84.9F), it's cooling off!

Ok, well gotta go back to watching my auctions that will end soon.


Velda said...

(((((hugs)))))) I so wish I could come and visit. I'm sure I'd be so awed with everything, it might cheer up your day just a little...

Kristin said...

I am so sorry you aren't going to be home for Christmas.

Glad you got a new battery charger. Hehehe, when I lose something like that, I attribute it to the black hole that is located in some random corner of my house.

Anonymous said...

Hi Robin.

Mary said...

I'm glad your DH is home. Sucks that nothing is open but would you really want to be out there with all those people all over the place. It would be like Disney World but minus Mickey and add lots of praying.

I should know this (being a librarian) but when does this religious time end?

I don't envy the heat there but then I didn't like the cold last week here so there you have