Saturday, July 19, 2008

So depressing

I had 2 dr's appts this month, one with my GYN & one with my GP (aka blood pressure dr.) My GYN was proud that I have quit smoking and stayed quit but told me I have to loose 20 lbs by October, I need to cut out ALL white foods, cheese, no bread, rice, potatoes, starches, I need to walk every day just a little bit further ever few days. Ok fine, I'm trying. I'm walking about 30 minutes a day.
So then I go to my GP for a check up. She royally chews me out for my weight being up, my blood pressure being up but never congratulates me on quitting smoking like SHE suggests, FINE! Thank you! She says at my age I should be able to walk 5 miles with no problems and I need to strive to meet that goal, I NEED to cut out ALL carbs, salts, sweets. Ok, bring on the styrofoam, cardboard & water. That was a real morale booster there. so since I had basically fasted since 6 AM the night before, I had a blood draw done. She called me the next day which she never does and says my blood sugar levels are sky high, cholesterol # is through the roof and my thyroid level is high. the thyroid was fine last October. She put me on medication for that and said that would explain why I haven't been able to loose weight and lots of other problems that I've been having. So now I am all bummed out about what the hell to eat! If it is low in calories, it's high in sodium, if it's low fat, it's high in carbs and on and on. I can't eat this, I can't eat that, it's so damn depressing. I just wish I could get straight answers from someone ANYONE who can flat out tell me what I CAN eat and what I CAN'T eat. Ya know, can I eat fresh home made from scratch bean salad? can I eat eggs, can I eat home made vegetable stir fry? Just give me straight answers and make me a list! GEEZE!

Oh yeah, the smoking thing, it's been 8 months, woo hoo. I am sort of proud that I've made it almost 2 months here in the free world on my own without buying OR smoking a cigarette!

I haven't stitched hardly at all or bought stash. I did put in a few stitches when I was at my son's place with my "daughter in law" one afternoon while my 2 grandsons played. I just don't have much energy to do anything.

I joined this site called SparkPeople, it's supposed to be a site to help motivate each other, recipes etc.

Well, that's all the exciting news from this ray of sunshine for now.


Velda said...

That's like south beach robin and let me tell you it's HARD! Try cutting down first on those...I gave up on them but fell back I just eat fewer of them

Kristin said...

{{{Hugs}}} Robin. I am sorry your appointments were such downers. If your blood sugar being up indicates diabetes (and thats only an if at this point), that can also cause the raise cholesterol. Diabetes can cause problems with cholesterol and blood pressure. Unfortunately, Vic has both those complications but they are well under control with meds.

HUGE CONGRATS on the no smoking. That is fabulous!

Karan said...

I'd have been pretty peed off too. People in the UK who need a special diet are usually referred to a dietician (attached to the local hospital) where they are given all the details needed. Am surprised there isn't a similar thing in the US - or didn't the lousy doc think of that?
Hope you can get the help you need (((((hugs))))).

Anonymous said...

Dang, Robin! First off... CONGRATS on 8 months of being smoke-free! That's AWESOME! And second... I'd ask for a nutritionist or dietitian referral from your doc. No ifs ands or buts! Good luck! HUGS!

Chris said...

Congrats on 8 smoke free months! As Christina said, ask for a a PITA until they give you the answers you need.

Margaret said...

Congrats again for NO SMOKING. That is so fantastic.

I agree.... get a referral to a nutritionist. They'll know more than the doctors.

Stitchingranny said...

Oh poor you - yes it would be so much more constructive if they said - "right here is a list of the foods you can eat now stick to that", if it was only tomotoes and lettuce leaves at least you would know what you were doing. I alway think a list of what you cannot eat is so sole destroying and somehow never covers everything so you could still be eating something you should not be eating.

Meari said...

Good luck with your weight loss, and congrats on going 8 months of no smoking! YAY!!

Maxine said...

BIG congrtaulations on stopping smoking :). I totally understand where you're coming from with the doc, my daughter has health problems which interfere with weight loss but all any of the doc's she see's seem to do is have a go at her about her weight... so demoralising!!!!

Anonymous said...

Robin, I have the same problem (not smoking thank goodness, but wonky blood sugars and cholesterol, lack of exercise and too much weight). My GP said exactly the same thing as your GYN: I cut out white foods and started walking HARD every day for 20 minutes and lost 45 pounds got the blood sugar UNDER control (but the LDL Cholesterol is acting up again after being good for two years)...

By the way, she sent me to a dietition who taught me about carb rationing and portion control...

Get the South Beach book and check out the list of allowed oods. It can be done...