Thursday, January 18, 2007

So after stitching for awhile I finished another snowflake for a bellpull I'm making. It's part of a SAL on one of the cross stitch boards I belong to. Trying to decide if I need to add another one or stop. Then I start cleaning up my stitching area and my SHARP scissors fall, hit my foot and land on the floor, but I keep on doing what I was. I looked down and apparently the point hit the top of my foot, missed a vein by 1/2 centimeter but it sure bled, now it's all red and just hurts.
Then I decided to organize my Works in Progress so I scanned in and took pictures of them. Guess I had more than I thought but not a lot judging from what some people have. I only have 9 but I know there are more somewhere around here. I'll have to figure out how to start another section and add pictures. On the bright side of organizing my WIP's ALL of them had at least 1 needle in them. A couple had several and 1 had a brand new, unopened package. Will I stitch on any of these now that they are organized, a couple of them maybe but is sure would be nice to finish them up.

This is confusing, I have no idea what I'm doing, I guess I'll go stitch for awhile.

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