WARNING! This blog may contain offensive language. If you don't like reading offensive language then back out. I reserve the right to delete any comments.
Friday, January 22, 2010
It's official--I guess-MAY BE OFFENSIVE
So it's now been 12 months, 370 days and 54 weeks since the last start and end of my last period! So I guess that officially makes me menopausal and can't have any more babies. That is kind of sad but at the same time woo hoo, no more surprises! I do not know if this came about naturally, if it was caused by thyroid problems that brought on the diabetes or if it was caused by diabetes that brought on thyroid problems. I do not know if the hot flashes and night sweats are caused my menopause OR if they are the HUGE HIGH spikes in my blood glucose levels that I can't seem go get under control. Either way WOO HOO!
And yes, I still can't get the diabetes under control. I guess gaining the 10lbs over the summer caused my blood glucose levels to go up and not come down. I DO watch what I eat, I DO exercise but the weight just is not coming off. The same 3-4 lbs comes and goes on a monthly basis but I just can't seem to get rid of it permanently.
Stitching? Nope. Haven't stitched a thing since before Christmas. I think about it every day though. I haven't even visited most of my favourite message boards or browsed the new patterns, can you believe that?
That is my story for today
Friday, January 15, 2010
I had a sprained foot yesterday and couldn't do much in the way of exercise and of course it was a day when I wanted to be up and doing things. The foot is better today so I will see what I can do.
I just really wish I could get myself interested in stitching again.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
If you read my previous blog, you saw that they recently published a book called The Spark. There is a contest for all kinds of prizes for members who have friends and family download the first chapter of the book. You can follow this link: http://book.sparkpeople.com/book.asp?u=RD03875
As you may know, I am an active member of the popular healthy-living website, SparkPeople.com. In an effort to help SparkPeople live out their mission of helping millions of people reach their goals and live healthier lives, I have joined a contest they're holding called "The Spark Free Chapter Challenge." If you have one minute to spare, I could use your help, because I REALLY want to win!
So here's the deal with the challenge…
Chris Downie, SparkPeople's CEO and founder, recently published a book called "The Spark" that offers a proven new approach to improving your health, transforming your life and reaching your goals (for example, real people have lost over 10 million pounds using their free online program)!
People like me who are helping them "Spread The Spark" through The Spark Free Chapter Challenge are encouraging our friends and family to download a FREE chapter of "The Spark" book. And for every person I can encourage to download the chapter, I will get an additional chance to win a $500 weekend getaway and other prizes, as well as something they offer called "SparkPoints," which also help motivate me to reach my goals.
All you have to do to help is download a free chapter from The Spark book. Nothing else. To do so, simply go to http://book.sparkpeople.com/book.asp?u=RD03875 and click the button to download your free chapter.
If you would be willing to help me with this, I would truly appreciate it, and I also think you will enjoy reading this free chapter from "The Spark". I know I did!
Thank you for your time. I really appreciate it.
You can also go to iTunes and download The Spark and listen to it with your iPod!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Get The Spark today!
For More Information about this GREAT book, read this page:
When you join, make sure you put my Spark name RD03875 when asked how you found SparkPeople.
"I can't imagine living my life any other way. There isn't anything that is impossible! I look forward to seeing what the future has in store for me! Nothing can stop me now!" Learn how MILLIONS, like Leah and Melissa, have transformed their bodies and their lives forever! | A new book from the experts who created SparkPeople.com, America's most active weight-loss and fitness site, offers a visionary approach to weight loss that has a proven track record of 10 million pounds lost–and counting! The Spark: The 28-Day Breakthrough Plan for Losing Weight, Getting Fit, and Transforming Your LifeThis groundbreaking book will connect the dots between weight loss, fitness, better health and lifelong goal achievement. You'll discover:
Sneak Peek! | GREAT PRICE:
SPIN & WIN GIVEAWAYS:Order the book now and you'll have chance to "spin and win" The Spark Instant Prize Wheel to get one of many fantastic prizes including a variety of SparkPeopleStore Gift Certificates, 50 to 200 SparkPoints, a copy of the new Coach Nicole's Fit, Firm and Fired Up DVD and possibly even a call from the author, Chris "SparkGuy" Downie himself. EVERYONE IS A WINNER! FREE GIFTS WHEN YOU ORDER:FREE EXERCISE VIDEOGet an exclusive 10-minute workout video from our new DVD The Spark: Fit, Firm & Fired Up in 10 Minutes a Day! FREE ONLINE MEMBERSHIP TO BOOK BONUS PROGRAMYou'll receive free access to an EXCLUSIVE online program that includes:
EARN 500 SPARKPOINTSIf you buy now, you'll receive 500 SparkPoints automatically! SparkPoints is SparkPeople's exclusive virtual reward program created to award points for performing tasks and activities that we've seen help make our members healthier and more likely to reach their goals. SparkPoints is a great way to watch your progress (in addition to or instead of the scale or stopwatch)! Learn more about SparkPoints Eat More to Lose More!Learn how you can EAT MORE of these foods and LOSE WEIGHT! Eat a great breakfast!Eating breakfast has been proven to help people lose weight, keep it off–and prevent overeating later in the day.Go ahead--snack!Nourishing yourself with healthy snacks before you get too hungry prevents you from bingeing later.Add fruits and veggies to snacks, drinks, and mealsThey keep you full, give you energy, and "crowd out" your cravings for unhealthy foods.No calorie deprivation!The SparkDiet discourages extreme calorie cutting, which can harm your body's ability to lose weight. You'll eat three good meals plus one or two snacks a day.IndulgeLearn to live by the 80/20 rule. If you eat well most of the time, you can fit treats into your healthy diet without feeling deprived. |
Take a look inside the book!Learn more about the exciting features of the book, including our first-ever "secrets of success" survey, the 28-day program that distills the best of SparkPeople's tips and advice, and so much more. Review the table of contents and preview the first chapter of The Spark for FREE! The Spark Promise: More Than a Diet A revolution is taking place–a community movement of millions of people discovering a new way of living and thinking about their weight, their health, and their lives. They are embarking on a journey with a proven system that builds confidence, supports personal growth, and inspires weight loss. And they are reaping great benefits, such as higher levels of happiness, more energy, improved health, the desire and ability to reach new goals, and increased connections with other people... TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction Chapter 1: My Story From a painfully shy child to a successful entrepreneur, I discovered my life's mission of helping others. SparkPeople was born. PART 1 The Fuel for Improvement System These four cornerstones are the philosophy behind the 28-day plan. By taking action in each of these areas, you can spark every aspect of your life. Chapter 2 CORNERSTONE: Focus Chapter 3 CORNERSTONE: Fitness Chapter 4 CORNERSTONE: Fire Chapter 5 CORNERSTONE: Positive Force PART 2 The SparkDiet 28-Day Plan We've taken our online program and distilled the best, most powerful elements into a fun, easy and incredibly powerful 28-day plan. Find out what can you accomplish in 28 days! Chapter 6 STAGE 1: Fast Break Chapter 7 STAGE 2: Healthy Diet Habits Chapter 8 STAGE 3: Lifestyle Change Chapter 9 STAGE 4: Spread the Spark Resource Section This section is packed with practical advice, fun workouts, delicious recipes, trackers and tips–everything you need to get started and see results. Appendix A: SparkPeople Mix-and-Match Meals Appendix B: Superfoods Appendix C: Ten-Minute Workouts Appendix D: Healthy Lifestyle Pledge Appendix E: SparkPoints Appendix F: SparkPeople Secrets of Success Member Survey Results Appendix G: Tracker Pages Acknowledgements Endnotes About the Author Receive 1,000 SparkPoints when you read the book! | GREAT PRICE:
SPIN & WIN GIVEAWAYS:Order the book now and you'll have chance to "spin and win" The Spark Instant Prize Wheel to get one of many fantastic prizes including a variety of SparkPeopleStore Gift Certificates, 50 to 200 SparkPoints, a copy of the new Coach Nicole's Fit, Firm and Fired Up DVD and possibly even a call from the author, Chris "SparkGuy" Downie himself. EVERYONE IS A WINNER! FREE GIFTS WHEN YOU ORDER:FREE EXERCISE VIDEOGet an exclusive 10-minute workout video from our new DVD The Spark: Fit, Firm & Fired Up in 10 Minutes a Day! FREE ONLINE MEMBERSHIP TO BOOK BONUS PROGRAMYou'll receive free access to an EXCLUSIVE online program that includes:
EARN 500 SPARKPOINTSIf you buy now, you'll receive 500 SparkPoints automatically! SparkPoints is SparkPeople's exclusive virtual reward program created to award points for performing tasks and activities that we've seen help make our members healthier and more likely to reach their goals. SparkPoints is a great way to watch your progress (in addition to or instead of the scale or stopwatch)! Learn more about SparkPoints |